mandag 16. februar 2009

Would you like some cheese with that whine? it was Valentines on Saturday and I attended a traffic light party with some friends. For those of you unfamiliar with the term it's quite easy to understand. You put a green garment for single, a yellow one if you are inbetween/unsure, or red if you are occupado. So on the morning of the 14th, me and my flatmate went downtown to purchase something green since we neither had anthything that could even remotley pass for greenish. I found a neon-green t-shirt, and figgured, fudge it, why not:)

So...on nightfall came, and we headed out to the event after a couple of brews at home. And to tell you the truth, I actually had fun. For some reason, I got a lot of attention from what seemed to be a whole lot more singel ladies. I was amazed. So this is what stirred up some confusion as well. I might still have a shot at finding a smart little thing after all. So today I charged up my moodbatteries with a hefty dose of Frankie boy and went out and got a nice looking hair cut. And to tell you the truth, I feel like I can conquer the world right now. Everytime flash a cute girl a smile they now seem to blush and get all befuzzled, which in turn only boosts my spirit. Sure, I might be on a one way track to getting too full of myself in the worst egocentric way, but frankly, it's a change for the better. is my new change, my new idea and new lifestyle. Instead of turning into a complete
misanthropic and looking with contempt at the world, I'll try the other way. I'll smile to the world with a spark in my eye, and just laugh it off when the world spits back in my face. I mean, I won't actually get anywhere with being a sad idiot making depressing songs, writing crap and hating life...

The new outcast so far is to try to talk to new people every frakking day, smile at strangers [not a whole lot of people that do that up here in Norway I can tell you]. Dress smart, look fresh, but most of all...content with what I get out of life. Watch the fuck out...because here I come!

nb. I DO realize that this sounds like Im on drugs, found Jebus, dying, finally gone insane or suicadal, but I can assure you that is not the case. Im genuinally just happy...for the first time in a very long time.]

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